Madumbi – African products for African farmers


Madumbi Sustainable Agriculture is a South African based agricultural input supplier that specialises in products for sustainable and organic agriculture. Madumbi has operated successfully in the South African market for 10 years and is ready to expand its reach to countries further north.


This company offers its products to large-scale commercial, small-scale commercial and subsistence growers in Africa. Madumbi has market-leading nutritional support, disease and pest management products that focus on sustainability, reduced toxicity and more environmental friendliness.

The products have proven themselves as viable solutions in the South African market and Mark Hutton, Madumbi’s marketing executive, says he is confident of product success across the sub-continent. Mark describes some of the company’s highlight products.

The denser root system of the maize plant on the right has responded to treatment with Eco T.


Eco-Bb is an entemopathogenic fungus (kills or seriously weakens insects upon which it parasitises) called Beauveria bassiana. This fungus is a well-known for its ability to attack a wide range of crop pests including whitefly, red spider mite and Tuta absoluta. The fungus suppresses pest populations and can be used as a resistance or residue management tool. It can be safely used up to harvest.

Eco-T is a soil inoculant, based on the beneficial fungus Trichoderma asperellum (harzianum), forms a symbiotic relationship with plant roots. Through this relationship it stimulates plant root growth which has a knock-on benefit of improving shoot growth and vigour.

Trichoderma also protects roots from fungal pathogens that cause plant disease. These include Pythium, Rhizoctonia and Fusarium. Eco-T is an excellent insurance policy for any crop. It prevents disease and improves growth, even in poor soil.

Rhizovital another soil inoculant, is based on the beneficial bacteria Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Like Eco-T it forms a close association with plant roots stimulating growth through increased production of plant growth promoting hormones. It degrades and mobilises soil nutrients, like phosphate, making them more available to the plant and protecting plants from fungal and bacterial diseases.

2. Madumbi’s products are packaged in simple containers. This kind of package design keeps product prices down.

V12 Initiate is a plant nutrition product that supplies Calcium, Magnesium and Silica all of which have a significant impact on plant growth, especially in the early stages of the crop cycle. These plant nutrients are often neglected in traditional fertilisers which focus on Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K). In additional to traditional mineral nutrition, V12 Initate is formulated with plant growth promoting Kelp which stimulates growth and feeds the soil.

AgriSil K50, is a nutritional product with a strong focus on Silica supplementation. The awareness of the benefits of Silica in crop production has grown in recent year. It offers tremendous benefit in terms of supporting plant immunity, reducing the effects of pest and disease attack and limiting reliance on chemical control measures. Agrisil K50 reduces abiotic and biotic stress.

V12 Multi, is a powerhouse nutrition product offering NPK and a full house of micro-nutrients formulated with plant growth promoting agents. This is a plant health tonic to be used throughout the crop cycle either as a ‘go-to’ nutritional support product, a growth boosting tonic, or to manage and overcome plant stress.

If you are interested in any of these products or in growing your knowledge of sustainable agricultural practices, please visit the Madumbi website or contact Madumbi personnel directly on

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