Forestry officers seize more Mukula logs in Zambia


Zambian forestry officers have seized 138 logs of the endangered mukula tree. The latest incident brings the total to nearly 1 000 logs which were seized by law enforcement officers in the last fortnight.

The logs were seized in Kasempa district in North Western Province, when local forestry officials intercepted a truck ferrying the logs.

“The owner of the truck, Errol Rosen (36) has been arrested and charged with illegal possession of forest produce,” said provincial police commissioner Auxensio Daka.

Recently, law enforcement officers in the same area intercepted four trucks laden with 500 logs of the mukula tree. In Muchinga Province three trucks with 350 logs were seized in the same period.

Last year, at the height of an intensified fight against the illegal harvest and trade in mukula trees, President Edgar Lungu called in the army to help. Government also barred its export and transport through Zambia from neighbouring countries. The ban remains.

Following the crackdown, mukula logs valued at more than US$20 million were seized, mostly in Muchinga Province with its abundant timber resources.

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