
Opening prices for Soweto and Kasumbalesa markets: 11 December 2017


OPENING PRICES, SOWETO MARKET,11 December 2017 (all prices in ZMW)
Crop Cabbage (per head) Tomato (per crate) Onion (per 10kg bag) Rape (per 50kg bag)
Grade A 1.5 55 30 150
Grade B 1 40 25 140
Grade C 0.5 35 20 130
OPENING PRICES FOR KASUMBALESA MARKET, 11 December 2017 (all prices in ZMW)
Crop  Cabbage (per head) Tomato (per crate) Onion (per 50kg bag) Rape (per 50kg bag)
GRADE A 4 70 260 40
GRADE B 2.5 60 235 30
GRADE C 1.5 50 210 25

Prices provided courtesy of Lima Links. To access live market prices on the Lima Links farmer platform for vegetables, field crops, inputs and more, dial *789# and press send on ANY phone on the Airtel network in Zambia.

Facebook: limalinkszambia
Phone: +260 972 543 161

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